Dear _____,
I love you! Not in a friend or a sibling way, but I truly love you. I made a list of things I want in a guy and you fit it all. I didn't know my dream guy even existed until I met you. You have your flaws, like everyone does, but I still love you the same. You are perfectly imperfect to me. I've been hurt so many times by you, even though you don't do it intentionally or even know. I've cried countless tears over you, but I still love you so much. I know what love is now. I also know what it feels like to be in love with a guy that doesn't love me back. That's the hardest part. I wish you loved me back. I might not be your kind of "beautiful" on the outside, but I have so much to offer you. You say that true beauty comes from within, so why don't you practice what you preach and give me a chance. I've never felt this way about any other guy before. In all honesty, I am trying really hard to fall out of love with you. I'm done thinking about you 24/7 when I rarely cross your mind. I think the worst part about all of this is seeing you like another girl. Maybe I'm in love with who I think you are, but actually who you aren't in real life. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself for falling in love with someone I didn't even have a chance with. I pray for you a lot. I pray that you will still have a burning passion for Jesus, use your talent to bring glory to God, and that you'll follow His path for you. I want you to be happy though. Since I love you, I'm letting you go, so you can be with someone who truly makes you happy. One day I hope you wake up and realize you want to be with me. If that doesn't happen, I wish you the best. God bless you and keep you always. I love you!
~ Christina <3
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